MEDIA RELEASE: Tuesday 7th March, 2023

TEMPO Institute launched today, an education business with a purpose to help develop the necessary skills and capability to deliver a more sustainable built and natural environment.
Its focus will be on supporting both government and industry to accelerate their sustainability journey through the strategic use of technology and data.
TEMPO Institute has been created by two industry leaders Adam Beck and Gavin Cotterill who have almost six decades of combined experience in the built and natural environment.
TEMPO announced the introduction of its first Digital Twin microcredential, a cutting-edge learning program designed to equip the industry with leading Digital Twin knowledge and skills.
Beck and Cotterill have shaped the Digital Twin microcredential based on their decades of practice, research, policy advisory, standards development, and industry advocacy experience.
"The built environment is something that we shape and is currently one of the most significant contributors to our wellbeing, prosperity, and climate liability", said TEMPO Director Gavin Cotterill. "Digital Twin is a holistic approach to unlocking the value of data and insights and therefore our ESG goals".
Adam Beck, TEMPO Director said, "TEMPO has been established to fill a void, and ignite an opportunity". "The built and natural environment sector and the policy-making that shapes it, along with the practitioners who plan and design it, has struggled to keep pace with digital transformation. We want to support these stakeholders to help realise the benefits of technology and data".
"The way digital solutions and data insights are shaping the built and natural environment, and the economy, is the challenge for the decade", Beck said. "We are entering a decade that relies on dramatic transformation to achieve our climate commitments, productivity gains and enhance human prosperity and wellbeing needs, and TEMPO is seeking to support the market with enhanced capability".
"This first microcredential comprises a suite of learning modules underpinned by standards, driven by best practice and informed by real-life experience". "It is an enabler for action and is the first of its kind globally", said Cotterill. "We believe that Digital Twin is a series of capabilities that requires a strategic, systemised, and standardised approach to have a real effect - something that TEMPO is looking to build in the market".
TEMPO's goal is to support the capability development of policy makers and practitioners in shaping high-performing built and natural environments, using Digital Twin as the starting point for this transformation.
Registration is now open to participate in TEMPO's 2023 Digital Twin microcredential cohort.